Octant Associates LLC is a small, woman-owned business operating out of northern Virginia in the metropolitan Washington, D.C. area. Within Octant, we have assembled leading specialists in core security realms, including in policy-related WMD, cybersecurity, and counterterrorism, as well as in technology integration, systems engineering, and data analysis.
Each member of our core group leverages expertise in his/her field(s), but also in regional knowledge, language skills, business acumen, or related specialties. Within our team, we possess language and cultural fluency in Russian, German, French, and Arabic, along with years of experience operating internationally. Most members of our team possess active security clearances.
Finally, as a woman-owned small business, we take great pride in making it part of our mission to bring high-level professional opportunities to young women entering a career in national security policy, a non-traditional - and somewhat difficult - career path for young women to pursue.
Expertise (Subject Matter Areas)
Octant Associates principals possess a deep level of expertise in the national security arena, developed over multiple decades working in executive and legislative branch positions as well as in private industry and the nonprofit/academic sector, with a particular focus in the following segments:
WMD policy: nonproliferation, counterproliferation
Nuclear security and nuclear deterrence
Nuclear energy policy
Cooperative threat reduction
Defense planning
Border security
Client List (Select)
The list below includes current Octant Associates clients, current and former clients served by Octant principals in previous positions, and select former employers of Octant principals.
Private Sector
Booz Allen Hamilton
Science Applications International Corp.
Culmen International
Departments and Agencies
Office of the Secretary of Defense
OUSD/ATL (Nuclear Matters) and (Treaty Compliance)
Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Defense Intelligence Agency
HQ US Air Force (A10 Strategic Deterrence and Nuclear Integration, A5 Strategic Plan and Policy Division) and Major Commands
HQ US Army (G3/7 CWMD and Proliferation Policy Division)
Unified Combatant Commands
Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration
Department of State, International Security and Nonproliferation Bureau
Department of Homeland Security, Domestic Nuclear Detection Office
Nonprofit, Foundation & Academic
Stanley Foundation
Henry L. Stimson Center
Federation of American Scientists
Institute for Defense Analyses
Sandia National Laboratories
United States Congress
Senator Pete Domenici (R-NM) (4)
Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN)
Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS)
Capabilities (Functional Areas)
While we have assembled a core team of leading subject area specialists, no Octant member is a single-talent individual. Each member leverages expertise in his/her field(s), but also in regional knowledge, language skills, business acumen, and related specialties. And each member draws upon a network of linked affiliates who can be swiftly added to the team to augment capabilities when and as needed.
Strategic planning
Trends analysis/forecasting
Policy/program interface
Programming, planning and analysis
Environmental scans/SWOT analysis
External/internal stakeholder engagement
Research and analysis
Operational planning
Program management
Requirements definition
Performance measurement/management
Process improvement
Program evaluation
Dashboards for managers and executives
Management tools
Data visualization
Strategic Communications
Interagency process/dynamics
Legislative outreach
External assessments
Stakeholder engagement
Data analysis, analytics and presentation
Conference support
Conceptualizing and Framing Complex Topics
Agenda shaping and formulation
Participant Identification
Business development and program execution:
Program management
Proposal development, writing and color reviews
Competition and price to win analysis
Responsive and agile team member
We selected Octant as the name of our company because each of its distinct definitions has a relation to our work.
1. The eighth part of a circle, often applied to the directions as indicated on a compass rose (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW).
2. An instrument having an arc of 24°, used by navigators for measuring angles up to 90°.
3. Any of the eight parts into which three mutually perpendicular planes divide space.
Navigating complex problems and issues, providing guidance and direction to clients, recognizing the multidimensionality of the challenges in national security, and the multidimensionality of the solutions thereto.